Statistics for: manual.cp2k.orgAwstats Web Site
Last Update: 30 Jun 2024 - 23:50
Reported period:Month Jun 2024

When: Monthly history   Days of month   Days of week   Hours  
Who: Countries   Full list  

Reported period Month Jun 2024
First visit NA
Last visit 30 Jun 2024 - 23:47
 Unique visitorsNumber of visitsPagesHitsBandwidth
Viewed traffic *9,546
(1.86 visits/visitor)
(15.22 Pages/Visit)
(19.51 Hits/Visit)
10.59 GB
(623.41 KB/Visit)
Not viewed traffic * 
714,517780,7557.59 GB
* Not viewed traffic includes traffic generated by robots, worms, or replies with special HTTP status codes.

Monthly history  
Monthly history
MonthUnique visitorsNumber of visitsPagesHitsBandwidth
Jan 202413,45924,928213,116287,0318.75 GB
Feb 202419,71734,545202,332265,9119.04 GB
Mar 202410,70922,180236,194312,06614.22 GB
Apr 202410,15920,871293,434377,25513.64 GB
May 202421,68831,596262,049344,97711.66 GB
Jun 20249,54617,806271,181347,51110.59 GB
Jul 202400000
Aug 202400000
Sep 202400000
Oct 202400000
Nov 202400000
Dec 202400000
Total85,278151,9261,478,3061,934,75167.90 GB

Days of month  
Days of month
DayNumber of visitsPagesHitsBandwidth
01 Jun 20243383,6735,078203.62 MB
02 Jun 20243133,2504,573181.83 MB
03 Jun 20247069,14113,063465.72 MB
04 Jun 202486310,57514,073496.03 MB
05 Jun 202471010,18513,351425.33 MB
06 Jun 20247129,58512,518423.96 MB
07 Jun 20246368,08610,850384.68 MB
08 Jun 20243253,1864,617159.69 MB
09 Jun 20243405,0266,370177.21 MB
10 Jun 202462513,96216,703417.55 MB
11 Jun 202481612,35016,045507.38 MB
12 Jun 202473020,97924,432533.81 MB
13 Jun 202477127,22130,567534.49 MB
14 Jun 202463021,88224,451411.96 MB
15 Jun 20243575,5766,835229.64 MB
16 Jun 20243463,3124,540164.44 MB
17 Jun 20246838,62111,827426.24 MB
18 Jun 20246098,67811,506370.46 MB
19 Jun 20247099,62112,754435.02 MB
20 Jun 20247417,35510,619384.99 MB
21 Jun 20246257,0239,926429.40 MB
22 Jun 20243433,4384,843232.98 MB
23 Jun 20243932,9754,311195.02 MB
24 Jun 20247849,15912,312458.34 MB
25 Jun 202478210,20413,662508.77 MB
26 Jun 20247128,58611,860413.59 MB
27 Jun 202467910,33612,944452.01 MB
28 Jun 20247309,72512,493418.86 MB
29 Jun 20243953,2634,710186.74 MB
30 Jun 20244034,2085,678210.56 MB
Average5939,03911,583361.34 MB
Total17,806271,181347,51110.59 GB

Days of week  
Days of week
Mon10,22013,476441.96 MB
Tue10,45113,821470.66 MB
Wed12,34215,599451.94 MB
Thu13,62416,662448.86 MB
Fri11,67914,430411.22 MB
Sat3,8275,216202.54 MB
Sun3,7545,094185.81 MB

007,3919,408245.03 MB
0111,00813,645391.17 MB
0210,26013,578440.44 MB
038,64111,263329.36 MB
045,8207,711250.28 MB
058,97811,788383.68 MB
0613,40716,798503.32 MB
0713,92018,847639.99 MB
0815,62721,143696.01 MB
0917,02322,499740.30 MB
1013,38917,701547.93 MB
1116,58321,162706.98 MB
1214,89019,312646.41 MB
1316,19521,032647.95 MB
1417,60522,482692.04 MB
1511,06914,349456.33 MB
168,86211,775395.94 MB
178,88111,317381.91 MB
189,29911,483317.02 MB
1911,88613,939500.81 MB
207,9399,850339.56 MB
219,12310,803228.42 MB
226,8217,929180.34 MB
236,5647,697179.12 MB

Countries (Top 10)   -   Full list  
usUnited Statesus99,158111,5991.87 GB

UnknownUnknownunknown50,20968,3782.41 GB

cnChinacn30,21043,6872.04 GB

deGermanyde13,74917,639549.62 MB

chSwitzerlandch11,07913,512425.79 MB

itItalyit7,1328,757269.83 MB

frFrancefr4,8256,184213.69 MB

jpJapanjp4,7316,998293.56 MB

czCzech Republiccz4,7104,94640.41 MB

gbGreat Britaingb4,5656,812297.66 MB

 Others40813589992.23 GB 


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